According to NASA, an asteroid headed towards Earth could arrive on February 14, 2046

NASA discovered an asteroid and estimated that it could hit the Earth by 2046, but it also noted that the chances of it hitting the Earth are extremely low. According to projections by NASA, the size of the asteroid is about the size of an Olympic swimming pool.
According to Nasa, the asteroid will travel 1.1 million miles (1.8 million km) near the Earth at its closest point. Researchers say that the data they are still gathering could alter their projections.
According to NASA, there is a 1 in 560 probability that the asteroid, designated “2023 DW,” may strike Earth. The Torino Impact Danger Scale gives it a score of 1, making it the only space rock on NASA’s risk list.
The scale, which ranges from 0 to 10, gauges the likelihood of extraterrestrial objects crashing onto Earth. There is zero chance of impact for all other objects on the scale, which all rank 0.
According to the “Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)” of NASA, a grade of 1 indicates that an actual collision is highly unlikely and is not a matter for public concern.
According to JPL navigation engineer Davide Farnocchia, this object is not very worrying.
According to Scientific American, that asteroid was far larger, measuring 7.5 miles (12 km) broad. Yet if the impact from 2023 DW were to hit atop a big city or a densely populated region, it may still do significant harm. Ten years ago, a meteor less than half the size of the “2023 DW” burst above Chelyabinsk, Russia, sending a shock wave that damaged 1,500 people and smashed out buildings over 200 square miles.
Even though it seems unlikely that we would make contact with an asteroid, scientists have been preparing for such an encounter for years. In October of last year, NASA announced that its “Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART)” mission had successfully diverted a minor asteroid’s course by ramming a spaceship into it.
That mission, which was a resounding success, was flown precisely for that purpose, according to Mr. Farnocchia.