Children Creating Indecent Images Using AI: An Urgent Call for Action

The UK Safer Internet Centre (UKSIC) warns that children are generating indecent images of their peers through AI image generators, prompting a call for immediate action. The charity received reports from schools, emphasising the need for intervention before the issue escalates. While children might engage out of curiosity, it is crucial to convey the illegality and potential harm of creating such images.
The UKSIC urges collaborative efforts between teachers and parents, emphasising the responsibility to address the knowledge gap in understanding AI among educators. Research by RM Technology indicates that nearly a third of pupils use AI for inappropriate online activities, showcasing a prevalent use of AI among students.
Concerns arise as AI-generated content, whether real or simulated, could be unknowingly circulated online by children, leading to potential legal consequences and the risk of exploitation or blackmail. UKSIC Director David Wright stresses the urgency of preventing an increase in criminal content generation within schools.
A study by classroom tech firm RM Technology reveals a division among teachers on whether parents, schools, or governments should educate children about the harms of inappropriate material. The UKSIC advocates for a united approach, involving both schools and parents in addressing this pressing issue.
Victoria Green, CEO of the Marie Collins Foundation, warns of the lasting damage caused by such content and highlights the risk of it falling into the hands of sex offenders.
The use of “declothing” apps, demonstrating AI’s potential to create explicit content, further underscores the need for preventive measures. These apps, fueled by advancements in generative AI, contribute to the challenge of differentiating between real and AI-generated images, leading to an increase in revenge porn-type activities.
As AI continues to grow in popularity, addressing the knowledge gap and implementing swift interventions are crucial to safeguarding children and preventing the spread of harmful content within educational settings.