Exclusive interview with Latika Gandhi, CEO of ParadiseOnScreen

Latika Gandhi, CEO of ParadiseOnScreen receives the Global 50 Glory Award 2021 for achievement in the Media and Entertainment industry. She is CA by profession and working on her upcoming movie. Here’s an exclusive interview with Latika Gandhi:
Please tell us a bit about yourself.
An Author by choice and Actor by passion and a CA by profession. An entrepreneur by Chance though!
What were the challenges that you faced initially and how did you overcome them?
I am still facing a lot of challenges regarding taking the right decision which is timely and appropriate. The only way to overcome is to listen attentively to myself.
What has been your most significant achievement?
Writing my first book and working on my upcoming movie.
How do you come up with new ideas?
They just flow in automatically. Just because I listen to every person carefully and with a lot of attention, I get ideas to do new things.
Who is your biggest inspiration?
I love humans therefore everyone is an inspiration. Living in the moment with anyone is an inspiration.
What motivates you?
Zeal to support everyone in some way.
What does a typical day look like for you?
Getting up early, taking a shower, doing morning yoga and meditation. Heading up for a breakfast followed by work and lunch. I finish up work by 6.30 mostly after which I go for a shower followed by an evening walk and dinner.
Who do you look toward for advice?
I talk to a lot of people when I am stuck and then after analyzing everyone’s opinions, I draw conclusions.
How do you define success?
Put your best foot forward to complete a task and let the surrounding support in the best way possible.
What are your growth plans for the next 12 months?
I want to complete a couple of self-written ideas and convert them into an experience for the audience formerly known as movies or audiovisual content.