Exclusive Interview with Niranjan Mudholkar, Author of The Kingdom of God

Niranjan Mudholkar receives the Global Achievers Award 2021 for achievement in literature for best debut novel The Kingdom of God. He believes in leading a balanced life. As a storyteller, he wishes to bring change in society through his writings. Here’s an exclusive interview with Niranjan Mudholkar.

Please tell us a bit about yourself.

NM: I am a storyteller and my tales always have a message of ‘the greater good! Although I have worked across various fields like academics, publishing, and journalism spanning more than 23 years, each of my professional endeavors has had storytelling at its heart. Of course, with my debut novel ‘The Kingdom of God’, I am taking this passion of mine to a different level and I will continue to do so. 

What were the challenges that you faced initially and how did you overcome them?

NM: My challenges have been the same that the entire world faces. Hunger, poverty, and disease at the physical level while corruption, disharmony, and injustice at the social level. Personally, I have been fairly successful in overcoming them with faith, hard work, and goodwill. Of course, there is a long way to go as far as the world is concerned. But it is only possible if we engage respectfully, enable responsibly and empathize reciprocally. 

What has been your most significant achievement?

NM: My dad is a college dropout while my mom has never even been to a college! So starting off my career as a lecture with one of the most reputed colleges in Mumbai is definitely one of my most significant achievements. Of course, I give full credit to my parents for educating me and letting me pursue my dreams with their full support!

How do you come up with new ideas?

NM: I have three sources for new ideas. The first is talking with myself. The second one is communicating with God. And the third one is conversing with new places by traveling.

Who is your biggest inspiration?

NM: My faith!

What motivates you?

NM: My dreams!

What does a typical day look like for you?

NM: During this ‘work from home’ period forced by Covid, I fill the 24 hours of a typical day with about seven hours of sleep, nine hours of professional work, one & half hours of household chores, two hours of entertainment, half an hour of hygiene activities, one hour of eating time, two hours of family time, half an hour of walking for fitness, and half an hour of prayer!

Who do you look toward for advice?

NM: My wife and my daughter.

How do you define success?

NM: Success is being able to do what you want to do while creating goodness and joy.

What are your growth plans for the next 12 months?

NM: I plan to write and publish two more best-selling and award-winning novels in the next twelve months! Besides that, I will also be joining a media start-up in a very senior position from October 20, 2021. I will endeavor to grow that organization multi-fold and also evolve as a professional in the process.

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