Exclusive interview with Vikas Bharti, Founder & CEO of PlanEdu Consultants & Learning Solutions Pvt Ltd

Vikas Bharti, Founder & CEO of PlanEdu Consultants & Learning Solutions Pvt Ltd receives the Global 50 Glory Award 2021 for achievement in the Education industry. His thought is that rather than getting employed he should Employee people. Here’s an exclusive interview with Vikas Bharti:
Please tell us a bit about yourself.
Well, I am Vikas Bharati, did my early schooling at Kendriya Vidyalaya. Later on, went to military school belgum for my higher schooling and after that, I completed my bachelor of engineering in computer science from VTU and later in my days, I thought that rather than getting employed I should Employee people. As my father said that Lighting Gas stove of your own house will not improve this world until you try to help others to light theirs.
What were the challenges that you faced initially and how did you overcome them?
Well, initial challenges were the funds and it was always clear that I was growing up to work for somebody after my college education or join a corporate job, a good job where I can have a fixed salary, a fixed income that can support my materialistic dreams maybe that time, but yes, the initial challenge I would say is my seriousness towards the business and yes, of course, the funds.
What has been your most significant achievement?
See to date I would not say that anything is my significant achievement. I still have a lot to cover at this age (in my 30s) if you are asking what is my significant achievement, I would say that achievement is that I have been recognized by my people.
How do you come up with new ideas?
See coming up with new ideas I must say that in our Indian society and if we talk about Indians, every Indian has one or the other idea, but the most important thing is how do you put it on paper, how do you implement it, how do you practically find the solution to implement it. So basically, I would say the idea is never big, the implementation of the Idea has to be new and the implementation of the Idea has to be big.
Who is your biggest inspiration?
Well, for me the biggest inspiration is Mr Dhirubai Ambani because he was a first-generation businessman, like me he was too came from a middle-class family, he dreamt big, not only he dreamt big he achieved it also. And today we know people who are associated with him because of his name only.
What motivates you?
Well, my work motivates me, keeps me energetic. Every day when I get up my work recharges me, it reminds me that again there is a day that is going to be fruitful, again there is a day which is bringing in the challenge for me, So I would say work and the new challenges in professional life I must say, not personal life 😀
What does a typical day look like for you?
See a typical day for me is a day when you didn’t boost your knowledge. So typical day I would say is any day when I didn’t learn anything, as I have always tried to learn every day some of the other things. When I do not learn anything, then obviously, it is a typical day for me.
Who do you look toward for advice?
Advisors are people from my team, almost everybody advises when I am down or I am confused or anything. I try taking advice from my team or sometimes, not most of the time, I take advice from my parents as well. And, after everything I listen to myself, that is my worst habit I would say. I take advice from everybody but listen to me only for the final decision.
How do you define success?
Well, it very difficult to define success. Definition of success can be when your name becomes autograph or signature, which I would say is success all about. When people get to know about you, people talk about you, negative or positive, it is success for me.
What are your growth plans for the next 12 months?
Well, the upcoming 12 months is going to be more hectic than those 12 years I have spent in the industry. My target is to 50x the business, I want to grow the business by 50 times. I know it is a really big thing I am saying, but yes, I would achieve it, my team will help me to achieve it.