Starbucks fired their US employees because of joining an union by them

According to a US National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) ruling, Starbucks unlawfully fired six employees in New York as retaliation against unions.
The judge says the company allegedly violated federal labour law at its stores in the cities of Buffalo and Rochester.
The coffee company has been told to rehire the former employees and pay the other people who were impacted. Starbucks replied that its actions were legal and compliant with company policies.
In a ruling that spanned more than 200 pages, Michael A. Rosas, a federal administrative law judge, also mandated that Starbucks rehire another employee he found unlawfully driven out of their position.
According to Mr. Rosas, Starbucks exhibited “a pervasive disdain for the employees’ fundamental rights” in reaction to union activities.
The court further claimed that the business harassed and interrogated its employees and that it forbade conversations about wages. “In order to better oversee, monitor, or give the idea that employees’ union activities are under observation, it also frequently dispatches senior staff to stores,” he claimed.
Despite objections from the company, employees at about 270 Starbucks locations across the US voted last year to join the union. There are around 9,000 Starbucks-owned companies established in the US.
As it attempts to put an end to the movement, union activists have charged the corporation with being slow to the bargaining table and breaking labour regulations.
Starbucks, a company that has long taken pride in its position as a modern, worker-friendly employer, has stated that it respects the right of employees to demonstrate. In response to the unhappiness, the corporation has raised wages and implemented other improvements in recent months.