Why is it that the internet keeps falling down?

Image credit: Speedify
Mark Zuckerberg is doubtful to read the comment left on his Facebook runners.
Still, if he did, it would take him nearly 145 days to go through the avalanche of commentary left for him after he apologised for the service outage last week.
Following nearly six hours of Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram being unapproachable, the Facebook creator and CEO reflected, “ Sorry for the interruption moment.”
Facebook said the outage was caused by a normal conservation command that inaptly unclogged Facebook data centres from the rest of the internet.
Mr. Zuckerberg’s reason entered an aggregate of responses. An Indian company requested compensation for the disturbance to its operations.
Still, it’s now straight how dependant billions of people have come on these services – not just for entertainment but also for pivotal communication and information, If it was n’t egregious before.
During a big outage of services, people are inescapably concerned that the dislocation is the consequence of acyber-attack. Experts say it’s more frequently than not due to a further introductory issue of mortal error, which is aggravated by the way the internet is held together by a complicated collection of antiquated and fussy technologies, according to them.
During the Facebook outage, experts fooled on Twitter that some of the traditional suspects for outage problems are aged than the Spice Girls and designed on the reverse of a hankie.
Professor Buchanan believes that while the internet may be made more flexible, numerous of the basics of the internet are then to stay, for better or worse. He claims that the internet has come exorbitantly centralised, with too important information coming from a single source. He says that this trend needs to be reversed in systems with several bumps so that no single failure can help service from performing.