America strict on coronavirus origins, China kept silent

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Biden administration has taken a tough stand on the origin of CoronaVirus. He ordered aides to determine the origin of the virus that causes COVID-19, saying on Wednesday, May 26, that US intelligence agencies are pursuing rival theories potentially including the possibility of a laboratory accident in China.
The US Intelligence Department is trying to gather information on this and get to the bottom. They are investigating on two points, but according to the US President, no concrete result has been reached so far. In such a situation, he has set a 90-day period. Along with this, America has asked China to fully cooperate in an independent transparent investigation. This is when the question of allowing independent investigation into the allegations of leaking of Covid-19 from the Wuhan Virology Institute of China has been deferred.
President Joe Biden said in a statement on the genesis of the Covid-19 virus that the US will continue to work with partners with similar views on the origin of the coronavirus. Biden said that the US intelligence agency can reach a firm conclusion in 90 days.
The pandemic has killed more than 3 million people worldwide. The origin of the virus remains contested among experts. The first known cases emerged in the central Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019.
In a report issued in March and written jointly with Chinese scientists, a World Health Organization (WHO)-led team that spent four weeks in and around Wuhan in January and February said the virus had probably been transmitted from bats to humans through another animal, and that “introduction through a laboratory incident was considered to be an extremely unlikely pathway.”