Chess grandmaster Kirill Shevchenko was expelled from a tournament for allegedly using a mobile phone during play

A Romanian chess grandmaster, Kirill Shevchenko, was expelled from a national competition after being accused of using a mobile device during play, organizers announced Monday. Competing at the Spanish Team Championship in Melilla, his initial draws were turned into losses following the allegations. The Spanish Chess Federation (FEDA) cited “the usage of mobile devices” as the reason for his expulsion, expressing regret over the incident and emphasizing its commitment to fair play.
Silla – Integrant Col·lectius, Shevchenko’s team, condemned any unsportsmanlike conduct and terminated its relationship with him. Suspicion arose when Shevchenko spent extended periods away from the board, and a mobile device was later found in a restroom, accompanied by a note resembling his handwriting.
The Romanian Chess Federation is awaiting solid evidence before making a judgment, asserting zero tolerance for violations of fair play. They stand by Shevchenko, who denies the allegations. FEDA expressed gratitude for the cooperation during the investigation. Shevchenko, who previously represented Ukraine, became a grandmaster in 2017 and reached a career-high ranking of 39 last year.