Exclusive interview with Ricky Roy

Ricky Roy, a young entrepreneur receives the Global Pride Award 2021 for achievement in Cryptomining and Blockchain. He has earned a certificate in Blockchain technology from Princeton University in London and he believes in Market Research and studying the topography and demography before launching any projects. Here’s an exclusive interview with Ricky Roy:
Please tell us a bit about yourself.
I am Ricky Roy, a West Bengal native-born and reared in Siliguri, Darjeeling. My education began at St Xavier’s School in Kolkata, where I graduated as head boy. I earned my bachelor’s degree from Shridhar University in Pilani, Rajasthan. My MBA is from IIM Joka in Kolkata. I then joined ICICI bank. Additionally, I have earned a certificate in blockchain technology from Princeton University in London.
What were the challenges that you faced initially and how did you overcome them?
As a young entrepreneur, I’ve experienced a lot of ups and downs in my life, which is the most difficult part. The approach to manage is by time management, circumstance prioritization, and the evolution of domestic support through talks, adjustment, and assistance from others. Nonetheless, there are certain trying days. It is critical to have understanding and freed executives who recognize young entrepreneurs’ efficiency, creativity, and competency and understand their demand for work-life balance.
While building a big digital platform, technical challenges are many, and one has to identify the right combination of trained and experienced persons to combat these difficulties. Above all, the greatest challenge is always cultivating the balance of passion and peace in our minds.
What has been your most significant achievement?
Professionally, I am glad that I received the global pride awards achiever of 2021 presented by the international news channel. As this is my first global award, I will give my best to get more awards like this.
How do you come up with new ideas?
I believe that my trips have always inspired the most brilliant ideas. I like seeing a city through the eyes of a resident and discovering new places every day. However, I made an intentional effort to naturally integrate these experiences into a project. Finding the appropriate balance is critical to making it feasible.
Who is your biggest inspiration?
I know it will sound cliche, but it was, it is, and will always be my Dad and mom & my wellwisher. I always say this “they took the staircase, and now their deeds and goodwill help me and everyone in our family take the Elevator.”
What motivates you?
The Display pictures on my Phone ���. I love when our CEO or president appreciates our work and people aspire to do business with us.
What does a typical day look like for you?
I don’t have a typical day, and I start my day at around 7 am and then go where the hustle takes me. But I make sure I get to spend time with my team members and family every day.
Who do you look toward for advice?
I have always had friends older and more experienced than me to guide me. They have always been there with their words of wisdom when I need help.
How do you define success?
Success is a very relative term. Often one may appear successful to the world but not think so oneself… and vice versa. For me, success is a life lived worthily enough to inspire others. When people tell me I have been an inspiration to them, that is success for me.
What are your growth plans for the next 12 months?
We believe in Market Research and Studying the topography and demography before launching any projects. Blockchain industry, Today it’s our choice, but tomorrow it will be mandatory. We are answerable to future generations.