Parler CEO Matze said that they were number one before google and Apple took it down

John Matze, CEO of Parler
The Parler app got banned on Sunday on Apple Store and Google Play Store after the allegations of instigating the violence in the US capitol. Apple and google alleged that Parler was used for organizing the mob and took a crucial part in instigating the riots.
Twitter’s CEO Jack Dorsey recently shared a tweet with a screenshot of the Apple Store’s top download chart with the signal on the top and with a heart emoji. The place was previously occupied by Parler.
Quoting the tweet Parler CEO John Matze replied “Yeah, we were number one until the fake news rage mob at Twitter and your anti-competitive friends went after us”. He added, “That’s real cute.”
Twitter CEO shared the picture after the Parler got banned from the app store.
Parler was founded in 2018 by John Matze as a “free-speech driven”medium, but it soon gets flooded with Trump’s supporters and right-wing people.
John Matze calls himself libertarian.
On the ban from apple and google platforms, Matze responded “Apparently they believe Parler is responsible for ALL user-generated content on Parler………. Therefore, (sic) by the same logic, Apple must be responsible for ALL actions taken by their phones. Every car bomb, every illegal cell phone conversation, every illegal crime committed on an iPhone, Apple must also be responsible for.”
Google also stated, “We’re aware of continued posting in the Parler app that seeks to incite ongoing violence in the U.S.”
“We recognize that there can be a reasonable debate about content policies and that it can be difficult for apps to immediately remove all violating content, but for us to distribute an app through Google Play, we do require that apps implement robust moderation for egregious content.”
Issuing a statement on the matter Apple said “We have always supported diverse points of view being represented on the App Store, but there is no place on our platform for threats of violence and illegal activity.”
“Parler has not taken adequate measures to address the proliferation of these threats to people’s safety. We have suspended Parler from the App Store until they resolve these issues.”
On the banned of App from the play store, Parler CEO Matze said “until we give up free speech, institute broad and invasive policies like Twitter and Facebook, and we become a surveillance platform by pursuing guilt of those who use Parler before innocence.”
Apple gave 24 hours to remove the alleged content used for inciting the riots. Apple later said that Parler was incapable of doing that in the mentioned hours, so they had to ban it.
He also added that the platform has many other options to grow and move ahead.
Amazon Employees for Climate tweeted “Enough is enough……… We demand Amazon deny Parler services until it removes posts inciting violence, including at the Presidential inauguration. We cannot be complicit in more bloodshed and violent attacks on our democracy.”
Following the footsteps of apple and google, Amazon will also remove the Parler app from its web hosting services.
Robert Mercer, a Hedge-fund investor, and his daughter, Rebekah came up in support of Parler after it was removed from the Apple Store and Google Play Store.
Rebekah is a conservative activist. She shared her views on the app “John and I started Parler to provide a neutral platform for free speech, as our founders intended, and also to create a social media environment that would protect data privacy,”
“The ever-increasing tyranny and hubris of our tech overlords demand that someone lead the fight against data mining, and for the protection of free speech online,” she further added.