Railways to recover additional risk allowances paid to lower level employees

Indian Railways will recover ₹ 75 per month from the risk allowance given to thousands of employees engaged in 12 categories of hazardous works, sweepers have been working in underground drains / sewers across the country for more than three years.
In 2018, the Ministry of Railways, with effect from July 1, 2017, increased the rate of risk allowance from Rs 60 to Rs 135 per month for 12 categories of employees posted in hazardous work. The order was issued on a ministry basis. Finance communication conveying the decision of the Central Government on the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission.
After more than three years, the Railway Board in a recent order cited a letter from the Department of Personnel and Training and stated that the risk allowance payable from July 1, 2017 to November 2, 2020 would be payable at the rate of ₹. 60 per month, as per the norms of the Sixth Central Pay Commission. Similarly, under the norms of the Seventh Central Pay Commission, it will be payable at the rate of ₹ 90 per month from November 3, 2020. All zonal railways, production units, workshops and other railway establishments were asked to recover the differential amount of risk allowance. At the rate of ₹ 75 per month paid from July 1, 2017 to November 2, 2020, and an additional risk allowance of ₹ 45 will be paid every month from November 3, 2020 until the date of recovery.
Railways have classified certain jobs as eligible for payment of risk allowances. The list includes, among others, working in scavengers underground drains / sewers, manholes and sewage treatment plants; Who are engaged in the manufacture of electrolytes, chrome plating, galvanizing tanks and effluent treatment plants and insulation components for hazardous chemicals; Spraying of X-ray attendants and Malaria pesticide insecticides and handling of acid and anti-larval drugs.