Why You’re Likely Not Washing Your Towels Often Enough

The towels we use to dry ourselves accumulate a lot of use and microbes over time. But how often should we be washing them?
You’ve likely used your towel today, but how clean is it? Most people toss their towels into the laundry once a week, but a study of 100 people found that about a third only wash theirs monthly. Some admit to washing them just once a year, according to a survey in the UK.
Though they may appear clean, towels are prime breeding grounds for microbes. Research shows that towels quickly become contaminated with bacteria that naturally live on our skin, as well as bacteria from our gut. Even after washing, we’re still covered in microbes, which transfer to towels when we dry off. Airborne bacteria and fungi can also land on towel fibers while they hang, and some of the bacteria originate from the water we use to wash them.
In Japan, some households reuse bathwater for washing towels, which a study from the University of Tokushima found can transfer bacteria from the used water onto towels and clothing. And if you hang your towel in the same room as your toilet, be aware that every time you flush, bacteria from the toilet can settle on your towel.
Over time, these microbes can form biofilms on towels, which can even alter their appearance. After two months of regular use, bacteria living on cotton fibers start to dull the towel’s look. The amount and types of bacteria depend on laundry habits, but the real question is: how concerned should we be about the bacteria on our towels?
Elizabeth Scott, a professor of biology at Simmons University in Boston, believes the study of towel hygiene can reveal important information about how microbes spread in homes. “Anything that causes harm on a towel is likely to have come from a human,” she explains. Our skin hosts around 1,000 species of bacteria, many of which are beneficial, helping protect us from harmful bacteria and supporting our immune system.
While the bacteria on towels are often the same ones found on our skin, they can also include harmful types like Staphylococcus, Escherichia coli (commonly found in the human gut), and Salmonella or Shigella (which cause foodborne illnesses). Some of these bacteria are opportunistic pathogens, meaning they can cause harm if they enter a cut or infect someone with a weakened immune system.
Our skin naturally defends against infections, so the bacteria on our towels aren’t a major concern unless they enter the body through a wound or compromised skin barrier. However, when we dry our hands and then touch our face—eyes, mouth, or nose—we could be transferring harmful microbes. This is particularly a concern with kitchen towels, which are used for drying dishes, hands, and surfaces and can harbor foodborne pathogens.
Infections like Salmonella, Norovirus, and E. coli can be spread through towels, and viruses like COVID-19 can survive on cotton for up to 24 hours. While surface transmission isn’t the main way COVID spreads, other viruses, like mpox, can spread via shared towels. Human papillomavirus (HPV), responsible for warts and verrucae, can also be transmitted through shared towels.
Hospitals and public bathrooms have shifted to disposable paper towels or air dryers to reduce the spread of infections, though the effectiveness of each option remains debated. The longer towels stay damp, the more they become a breeding ground for harmful microbes.
Scott also highlights that practices like washing towels regularly can help combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria like MRSA, which can spread through contact with contaminated objects. Professor Jean-Yves Maillard from Cardiff University notes that proper home hygiene, like washing towels regularly, can reduce bacterial infections and the need for antibiotics. “Prevention is better than treatment,” he says.
So, how often should you wash your towels? Scott recommends doing so weekly, though this isn’t a strict rule. “If someone is sick, their towels should be laundered daily,” she advises, suggesting a “targeted hygiene” approach that focuses on high-risk situations. In some parts of the world, like India, people wash their towels twice a week. Targeted hygiene is about knowing when and where hygiene practices are most needed.
For optimal towel hygiene, Scott recommends washing at temperatures between 40°C-60°C (104°F-140°F) and using antimicrobial detergents to help prevent bacteria from adhering to the fabric. Frequent washing at high temperatures does come with environmental costs, though. For lower temperature washes, adding enzymes or bleach can help combat microbes. A study in India found that combining detergent with disinfectants and drying towels in the sun was effective at reducing bacterial and fungal growth.
Scott likens home hygiene to vaccination: small actions taken for our own health also protect those around us. “We think of hygiene components as slices of Swiss cheese,” she says, “each one covering a hole to reduce the risk of pathogens.” Towels may be a small part of the puzzle, but addressing their hygiene is a simple way to reduce the spread of microbes in our homes.