PM Showcases £29.5bn Foreign Investment Pledges to Boost UK Economy

The Prime Minister will host business leaders at Hampton Court, highlighting significant foreign investments totaling £29.5bn Foreign Investment in the UK and signalling confidence in the UK economy. Chancellor Rishi Sunak lauds the investments as a substantial vote of confidence, emphasising the government’s commitment to attracting foreign businesses.

The Autumn Statement revealed initiatives targeting increased domestic business investment amid lower growth forecasts. While the UK aims to bolster its domestic investment, the government emphasises the country’s robust track record in attracting foreign capital. However, Labour criticises the government, branding its policies as a total failure in fostering growth and business investments.

The Hampton Court event, themed as an “historic” celebration of the UK’s innovation track record, will host prominent global business figures, including CEOs such as Stephen Schwarzman (Blackstone), David Solomon (Goldman Sachs), and Jamie Dimon (JP Morgan Chase). The occasion aims to spotlight the UK’s legacy in innovation, spanning from the steam train era to contemporary achievements in quantum computing.

The red-carpet event at Hampton Court Palace will be followed by a dinner with King Charles III at Buckingham Palace, creating an environment conducive to discussing strategic business initiatives. Chancellor Sunak underscores the UK’s attributes, citing a culture of innovation, thriving universities, and specific strengths in clean energy, life sciences, and advanced technology, driving job creation and economic growth through foreign investments.

Projects announced at the summit include a £10bn investment from Australia’s IFM Investors in infrastructure and energy projects, along with a commitment from BioNTech to build a new lab in Cambridge, contributing to advancements in mRNA technology. Notable projects feature Spain’s Iberdrola injecting £7bn into UK electricity transmission and distribution, a £5bn investment from Australia’s Aware Super in energy transition and affordable housing, and a £2.5bn commitment from Microsoft in AI infrastructure. The summit underscores the government’s efforts to solidify the UK’s position as an attractive destination for global investments.

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