Single-use cutlery and plates to be banned in England

Image credit: CNN
Single-use products, such as plastic cutlery, plates, and trays, have been forbidden by the England government.
Although the exact date of the ban’s implementation is unknown, Wales and Scotland have already taken equivalent steps.
Thérèse Coffey, secretary of the environment, said the action would contribute to preserving the environment for future generations. Campaigners applauded the ban but demanded a more comprehensive plan to reduce plastic consumption.
According to official statistics, 1.1 billion single-use plates and more than four billion pieces of plastic cutlery are used annually in England.
Plastic trash frequently does not degrade and might remain in landfills for a very long time. Although it could be beneficial for food hygiene, it can also become litter and contaminate land and water when it is dumped.
The Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs (Defra) confirmed the action after a protracted consultation, which will be released on Saturday, January 14.
According to Defra, each person uses 37 pieces of plastic cutlery and 18 single-use plastic plates annually in England, yet just 10% of those items are recycled.
The majority of the single-use plastic goods that Ms. Coffey plans to outlaw are those used for takeout food and beverages.
Scotland, Wales, and England have previously enacted similar prohibitions, while England already outlawed single-use plastic straws, stirrers, and cotton buds in 2020.
However, things found in stores or supermarkets are not covered by this most recent provision. The administration stated that it would deal with those in other ways.
A political activist with Greenpeace UK, Megan Randles, said the group applauded the ban but called for more action. We are dealing with a plastic deluge, and doing this is equivalent to shutting off the water rather than reaching for a mop, she said.
She urged the government to present a “serious” approach to cutting back on plastic consumption, one that would also include strict goals and “a proper reuse and refill scheme.”