Highlighting the importance of teachers, K.I.T.E.S. education is giving them the chance to share their stories

In our India, the teachers are worshipped even there is a famous shloka in Sanskrit about teachers.
“GururBrahma GururVishnu Gururdevo Maheswarah
Guruh Saakshaat ParaBrahma Tasmai Sri Gurve Namah”
It loosely translates to “The Teacher is the Lord Brahma because he creates the knowledge inside us. The Teacher is the Lord Vishnu because he preserves and operates the knowledge in our mind on the right path. The Teacher is Lord Mahesh or Shiva because he destroys the wrong thoughts and transforms us with the right kind of knowledge. Thus, The Teacher or The Guru is the live supreme God, and we salute and bow to our teacher.”
Keeping this importance of teacher in mind K.I.T.E.S. Education is bringing an exclusive digital platform EdMedha where you can contribute to Transform the Life of every stakeholder of education across the Globe by sharing your story.
It is a dedication to show how Teachers are Our Superheroes (The Warriors Building Nation Silently).
In this, every teacher or educator has to share his rising, Facing, & Fighting Challenges.
A popular aphorism “Every Teacher has a story to tell and experience to share.”
You heard this many times but was always reluctant to share as you felt it was inconsequential, it didn’t matter, and what difference would it make. But trust them and their motives.
They believe “Every Teacher & Principal’s Story can be an inspiration for billions of other teachers & Principals, making a difference.” It could be ideas, experiments, failures, or successes that you experienced.
You can share your journey, which can be simple or roller coaster rides comprising experiences, challenges & successes while working in the Education Sector in the form of a story.
“We & the world are listening and eager to hear from you.”
They are also eager to publish the unique & Inspirational story in their digital magazine EdMedha.
What are they offering:
- Receive Certificate of Participation
- We award the winner of the story with an INR 21,000 cash prize.
- The Top 10 stories/Teachers will receive Awards at I school Fest in the Month of December.
- Receive Recognition in EdMedha (Our Digital Magazine) to be published in the month of May, August, December.
- Top 100 stories will get published in each digital edition of Magazine this year.
- The stories with maximum likes & Comments will be published on our Social Media Platform.
- An opportunity to become part of Exclusive Live Interview on our FB page and on YouTube.
You can share your story at https://kiteseducation.com/EdMedha
Let the world recognize your efforts